
If you wish to contact any Foxtrot Bravo DX Group member, send QSL cards you can post to:

The Freebanding Po Box will be changing. 

This is not down to me or anything FBDX has done, but the Post Office locally in their wisdom is moving location. 

This means the postcode for the Box as well as the number possibly, will have to change. 

I don't yet know what to, but as soon as I do I will publish the details and get some stickers made for the QSL cards. 

I suggest you hold off using the Po Box for the moment, as many stations take an age to respond to QSL's and they could be lost. 

If you send out cards, cross out, or put a sticker on the Po Box address. 

Sorry for the inconvenience, but its out of my hands.

Please email for QSL Manager address
Click here for email link

Please do not put QRZ on outside of Envelope

For emails and EQSL contact you can email any Foxtrot Bravo member by:

(FB Call Sign)

Or if your not sure about call sign and you only have partial information, either use the Po Box number or email and we will do our best to assist you.

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