Freeband Chat
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Name Chat Timestamp
26FB178 What is the best PSU for a Radioddity QT80? 05/02/2025 21:41:46
26TM140 Thanks Jeff 2FB376 for the Qso 73s 27/12/2024 14:28:15
John Hi folks om active again after a Long periode 73’s from 47FB212 05/12/2024 18:33:09
9FB223 UK and Europe is strong into NA, around 1300Z these days. Get on there folks! 01/12/2024 13:47:19
MARC Hi John. I hope you aew well. Bloody quiet on the bands tonight 30/11/2024 14:43:27
John Hello folks 11/11/2024 18:22:01
25fb777 I have sent an email to 26FB001, so please check. 25/10/2024 09:00:30
25fb777 Was it the old Facebook Messenger? I also sent a separate email, so please check your email if you c 25/10/2024 08:57:48
Maciek hello, anyone wont to try 21m? 18/10/2024 10:56:38
26OS323 hello 17/10/2024 17:22:31
20fb008 Qrv 18.030 usb 27/09/2024 19:38:07
19FB105 6.635 LSB 19 NL 01/09/2024 20:48:25
19FB105 6.635 LSB 19 NL 01/09/2024 20:47:57
18FU803 qrv at 6,670 Mhz, QRZ ? 27/07/2024 22:32:04
13fb014 i hope you can help of adders of 13F014 mr Reimar 23/07/2024 14:09:18