26FB001 Dave
Still working on it, should be finished today, Monday 4th may 2009 :)
I am forty seven
years young, with a wife, Tracey and eleven year old daughter, Alice. I live in
a small village on the edge of the Black Country near Wolverhampton in the West
Midlands, originally from London and Kent, I've been up in this part of the
world for eighteen years. I have been using radio now for thirty years or more
on and off, starting with the CB craze back in the late seventies and early
eighties. I quickly got involved with 11m DXing, using the SSB side of CB's that
were imported into the UK at that time. My first one was the Cobra along with
most other people.
Once I had the bug, I moved on to using amateur HF sets, such as the FT70b and the FT102. Also I had started putting up big directional antennas, like the Avanti PDII. After some time away from the hobby I came back into it a couple of years ago with a President Lincoln and a SY 27 Dipole. Now I use a four element Yagi and a Kenwood TS870s for HF and 11m DX. Although a licenced Ham now days I still love freebanding the 11m band and Echo Charlie frequencies.
As an extension of the radio hobby I have recently started getting into the audio side. I have an Heil PR-40 microphone and a Behringer audio rack. At the moment I am new to this side of the hobby, and just learning how to set up the equipment and some of the technical stuff.
This is my current radio shack, which is located outside at the back of my workshop, it gets very cold here in the winter and quite warm in the summer.
My work brought me up to this area and I have fell in love with it. I am an engineer, although in management now, I still have a hands on attitude and love all areas of metal bashing. Of course this is where it all started. The industrial revolution happened right here in the West Midlands and there are still lots of industries around here that carry on the engineering tradition. The Black Country living museum in Dudley, really demonstrates the beginning of industry as we now no it and the working culture that spread all over the world.
More to follow.................